कृषि महाविद्यालय, गोळेगाव जि. हिंगोली - ४३१ ७०५ (महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Golegaon Dist Hingoli - 431705 (Maharashtra)

Course Curriculum

The Agri. Entomology department offers all courses of BSC (Hons.) Agri degree as per 5th Dean committee report

Rawe programme

The Student's conducting different demonstration on farmers field to overcome the problems and also to transfer technology, installation of pheromone trap, sticky trap,tricko cards & use of NSKE

The staff of the department of Agril. Entomology is regularly participating in extension activities Like farmers camp, crop demonstrations, farmers training, monthly district workshop.

The staff of this department is regularly publishing the literature related to The pest management . Scientists are attending the programme of All India Radio and also programmes related to Regional TV service